
Price: R160 - R240
Time: 20:00
Matinees: 14:30
Duration: 90 min.
Languages: English
Age Suitability: Age 14 +
For block bookings, contact:
Carmen Kearns
Mark Dobson
Empatheatre, in collaboration with the Stockholm Resilience Centre, the Unruly Natures research project, and The Baxter, proudly presents "UNRULY," a ground-breaking participative and public theatre experience. This unique production explores the intricate dynamics of human-baboon interactions in the Cape Peninsula through a captivating performance that tenderly and rigorously tends to human and animal politics. It asks the question: “How should we, as humans, act towards a nature that doesn’t always behave the way we expect it to?” and tells stories of living in the intersection between human and baboon worlds. Directed by Neil Coppen and starring Andrew Buckland alongside musician Chantal.