The Good Dad (13 - 18 Feb) / Die Goeie Pa (20 - 24 Feb)

Evenings at 19:30
Saturday & Sunday matinees at 14:30
Duration:65min. (No interval)
Age restriction: No under 16's
Full Price (Thur - Sat) |
R150 |
Full Price (Mon - Wed) | R120 |
Early Bird | R120 |
Block Bookings 10+, Senior Citizens, Students | R100 |
For block bookings, contact:
Carmen Kearns
Mark Dobson
*From 13-18 February the play will be performed in English. The following week from 20 - 24 February the play will be performed in Afrikaans.
THE GOOD DAD (13 - 18 Feb)
*The matinee on Saturday 17 February incorporates a South African sign language interpreter and is geared towards deaf audience members.
A good dad. A happy family. A dark secret.
A young woman is sitting in a prison cell. A serious crime has been committed. But what precisely? And why? Everyone thought they were a lovely family.
But every family has something to hide and drawn curtains hide dark secrets.
Under the direction of Paul du Toit (Fleur du Cap winner for Best Director 2022), Erika Breytenbach-Marais (Fleur du Cap nomination for Best Actress 2022) delivers a solo performance which takes the audience on a magical theatre journey with the use of a single prop, staggering design, and an almost unbelievable story.
Breytenbach-Marais received her second Fleur du Cap nomination for Die Goeie Pa in 2023.
With Erika Breytenbach-Marais
Writer Gail Louw
Director Paul du Toit
Lighting technician Lize-Marie Wait
Sound design Jahn Beukes
Producer Unlikely Productions
Language English
Running time 65 min
Age restriction PG16- strong language and references to sexual abuse
DIE GOEIE PA (20 - 24 Feb)
‘n Goeie Pa. ‘n Lieflike gesin. ‘n Donker geheim.
‘n Jong vrou sit in 'n tronk sel. ‘n Ernstige misdaad is gepleeg. Maar presies wat? En hoekom? Al die mense het dan gedink hulle was ‘n lieflike gesin. Wat skuil alles agter toegetrekte gordyne?
Onder die regie van Paul du Toit (Fleur du Cap wenner vir Beste Regisseur 2022), lewer Erika Breytenbach-Marais (Fleur du Cap benoeming vir Beste Aktrise 2022) 'n solo vertoning wat die gehoor neem op 'n reis van teater betowering met gebruik van 'n enkele rekwisiet, treffende ontwerp en 'n byna ongelooflike storie.
Breytenbach-Marais ontvang haar tweede Fleur du Cap benoeming vir Die Goeie Pa in 2023.
Met Erika Breytenbach-Marais
Teks Gail Louw
Regie en Vertaling Paul du Toit
Beligting Lize-Marie Wait
Klankontwerp Jahn Beukes
Vervaardiger Unlikely Productions
Taal Afrikaans
Speeltyd 65 min
Ouderdomsbeperking PG16- taal en verwysing na seksuele mishandeling.
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