Laylatun Nabi (SAW) - An Evening of Praise

Time: 19:30
Price: R250
For block bookings, contact:
Carmen Kearns
Mark Dobson
Laylatun Nabi (SAW) - An Evening of Praise
A soulful unison of cultures from South Africa’s rich Muslim community, celebrating and honouring the beloved Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
The production is brought to life by local talent Zerina Sablay, inspired by her love for the Rasool and the desire to educate and encourage the youth to follow the Prophet’s (SAW) example.
Laylatun Nabi (SAW) is a collaboration between Zerina Sablay, 7 Steps Cultural Group, Aswaatul Madinah, Rabia Mukadam and various other artists, harmoniously bringing together musical praise in the forms of naat-shareef, qawali, the sounds of a traditional Cape malay moulood and enthralling renditions by talented nasheed groups.